Wholesale Information
Interested in selling Free 2 Fly products in your store?
Thank you for your interest in Free 2 Fly products!
We hold your business in high regard and as such, we carefully screen and approve Wholesale Account requests.
As a non-profit our goal is to support, nurture, and empower the women in our program, and in order to successfully do so, we cannot solely function as a wholesale business. We are continuously training and employing new women and our profit margins have to reflect this training time period. We ask that by selling our products you remember that we also sell our products in our storefront and online; therefore, we value your partnerships as a way to promote Project Free 2 Fly, and all that our program encompasses.
This allows us to grow and create a working relationship, giving both parties the opportunity to succeed. We want to partner with fellow businesses who desire to make a difference through ethical business practices so that we can provide greater opportunities for the women we employ.
Read through our Wholesale Agreement below to learn more about our wholesale program. If you want to apply as a wholesaler, please fill out the agreement and send it to our Director of Product Retail,Ashley at ashley@projectfree2fly.com. Have further questions? Shoot Ashley an email and she will get back to you as soon as possible!