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Self-Care Isn't Selfish

As women we are often looked at to “keep it all together.”  We see it in our women and ourselves every day! The kids, bills, house, etc… Over time, that kind of pressure will wear anyone down. But often we aren’t taking the time to hit refresh and care for ourselves. In fact, it can feel selfish or time consuming to do so.

Many times self-care is portrayed as an expensive day at the spa — massages, facials, or a manicure and pedicure. While those are all great things, there are many other practical ways you can practice self-care. Many of which won’t cost you a dime or take up an entire day.

Here are 10 easy ways to take care of your mind, body, and soul.

  1. Unplug – We live in a world where we always have our phone in our hand. Texting, checking social media, and taking Instagram worthy photos of our kids and food. But guess what? Believe it or not, they have an off button. Take a few hours, or if you’re feeling wild, a whole day, to shut the phone off and enjoy some uninterrupted time.
  1. Read a book – “She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” – Annie Dillard. Whether its self-help, fiction, sci-fi, or romance, there’s something so relaxing about getting lost in a story or learning something new. A chapter a day is a great place to start!
  1. Go outside – When was the last time you went for a bike ride around your neighborhood? Or took your dog for a walk? Or laid in a hammock? Fresh air can both energize and calm your body and mind. Take the time to stop and smell the flowers and feel the sun on your face.
  1. Make the plans – “Let’s get together soon.” “I miss you, I’d love to see you!” Sound familiar? How many times have you said this to a friend or family member this year? And how many times have you followed through on those plans? It’s so easy to say it, but then life gets in the way, and you find every excuse in the book. GIRL, MAKE THE PLANS. Call your friend, pick a date and location, and put it on your calendar. You won’t regret it!
  1. Buy the bag – You know that purse you’ve been eyeing for a year and a half? The black and white one with the leather handles that will go with everything (yeah, that one). But you just can’t bring yourself to buy it. DO IT! Life is too short not to.
  1. Sleep – You must invest in rest. Our lives may feel too busy to take a nap, or go to bed early, or sleep in a little, but no one can run on empty. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep to fuel your day.
  1. Eat the cake- Life is all about balance. Eat a carrot…then eat a slice of carrot cake. Obviously maintaining a healthy diet is important, but never allowing yourself a treat is hard, and let’s face it, just not fair. Indulge every now and then!
  1. Dance like nobody’s watching – There’s no greater stress reliever than turning on a little Bruno Mars, JT, or Beyoncé (whatever gets your feet moving) and dancing it out. It’s okay if you have no rhythm, it’s impossible to not crack a smile while dancing around your living room.
  1. Get creative – Paint, doodle, journal, whatever method you prefer. Creativity teaches us to experiment, think outside the box, and to see the world through a different lens.
  1. Get done up – When you feel pretty you feel confident, right? In fact, we're pretty sure self-confidence is a super power. It boosts not only your energy levels, but everyone else’s around you as well. While it is tempting to not do your hair or make-up on a Sunday when you have no plans other than those five loads of laundry, take 15 minutes to brush your hair and put on a little make up, it will change your day.

Taking the time to do even one of these things, once a week, could make a world of difference to your mental and physical health. Ladies, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so please take care of yourself first!

What do you have planned for self-care this weekend?

1 comment

Niki Gallacher

Thank you for caring enough to encourage, timely for me today

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